
Softens and removes dead skin cells and blackheads in the pores, leaving skin softer and more slippery.

木瓜酵素 30g
木瓜酵素 30g
Papain 30g
有機蘋果原醋 100ml
Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar 100ml
溫和煥膚三肽 5ml
Mild Skin Renewal Tripeptide 5ml
鳳梨萃取液 30ml
Pineapple Extract 30ml
葡萄糖螯合劑 10g
Glucose Chelating Agent 10g
蘋果酸 30g
Malic Acid 30g
核桃磨砂粒子 30g
Walnut Scrub 30g
有機燕麥粉 60g
Organic Oat Powder 60g
乳酸 30ml
Lactic Acid 30ml
喜馬拉雅山岩鹽 200g
Himalayan Salt 200g
水楊酸 15g
Salicylic Acid 15g
鎂鹽 150g
Magnesium Sulfate 150g
荷荷巴粒子 30g
Jojoba Beads 30g
小梳打 150g
Sodium Bicarbonate 150g
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