PhytoSpa Mineral Makeup

礦物彩妝 Mineral Makeup
成分全天然、全素,成分安全,不含防腐劑、人造色素和香料及化學物質。特有修護功效,具保濕、修復等功效,同時妝效顯色自然、持久貼服,品質媲美專業品牌。 Mineral makeup products are made with all-natural and all-vegan ingredients, without preservatives, artificial colors and chemical substances. They also contain skincare effect, including moisturizing and repairing, providing you a long-lasting, natural and perfect finish which rival high-end makeup products.
卸妝產品 Makeup Remover Products
成份全天然、全素,保留最豐富營養成份,能溫和溶解化妝品。同時以低過敏配方製作,全不含酒精成分,無添加色素及香料,適合任何膚質使用,包括敏感肌膚。 Makeup remover products are made by 100% natural and vegan ingredients, containing lots of nutrients, which are effective in removing makeup gently. Under the hypoallergenic formula, all ingredients are non-alcoholic, without artificial coloring and fragrance, which is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
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