Phyto Spa 全新推出的全天然全素彩妝系列,色澤靈感來源於水果豔麗的色彩,還帶淡淡鮮果香,輕鬆打造可愛動人的妝容。成分全天然和全素的同時,還具高效能的護膚成分,帶給你媲美專業化妝品牌的高質妝效。而且,還擁有10大安心保證,適合任何肌膚人士使用,包括敏感和濕疹肌,讓你安心實行美妝同時護膚。
成份全天然、純素,不含酒精及化學成份,以革命性配方,體驗活化肌膚的神奇力量,即時提升輪廓、舜間撫平細紋,擁有保護、修復及高度保濕鎖水作用,締造貼服持久妝效,讓你化妝前已擁有完美細緻肌膚! Face primers are made with all-natural and all-vegan ingredients, without chemical substances and non-alcoholic ingredients. The revolutionary formula with a magical power of revitalizing the skin, instant lifting and firming, erases fine lines, strengthen skin's barrier and hydration boost. It works perfectly for a smooth and long lasting makeup.
Mineral makeup products are made with all-natural and all-vegan ingredients, without preservatives, artificial colors and chemical substances. They also contain skincare effect, including moisturizing and repairing, providing you a long-lasting, natural and perfect finish which rival high-end makeup products.
Makeup remover products are made by 100% natural and vegan ingredients, containing lots of nutrients, which are effective in removing makeup gently. Under the hypoallergenic formula, all ingredients are non-alcoholic, without artificial coloring and fragrance, which is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.