Sunscreen Ingredients

Sunscreen ingredients block UV rays from contact with the skin, preventing skin from producing melanin and preventing skin oxidation and aging.

太陽花抗紅外線精華素 10ml
Sunflower Infrared Protection Essence 10ml
葡萄幹細胞 1g
Grape Stem Cell 1g
防曬粉底色粉 - 健康膚色 30g
Foundation Powder - Healthy Color 30g
防曬粉底色粉 - 自然膚色 30g
Foundation Powder - Natural Color 30g
防曬粉底色粉 - 亮白膚色 30g
Foundation Powder - Porcelain Color 30g
胺基酸二氧化鈦 30g
Amino Acid Treated Titanium Dioxide 30g
刺梨防曬增效精華 10ml
Roxburgh Rose Fruit SPF Booster 10ml
氧化鋅 30g
Zinc Oxide 30g
紅海藻防曬精華 5ml
Red Algae Anti-UVA Essence 5ml
葡萄籽抗氧精華素 10ml
Grape Seed Anti-Oxidizing Essence 10ml
二氧化鈦粉 30g
Titanium Dioxide 30g
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