Synergy Blend Essential Oil

Synergy blend essential oil is about mixing two kinds or above of essential oil, in order to extend the effect and scents. They can be used as aromatherapy products, and also massage oil.

急救複方精油 10ml
Emergency Aid Essential Oil Blend 10ml
腸胃複方精油 10ml
Happy Tummy Essential Oil Blend 10ml
解咳複方精油 10ml
Cough Away Essential Oil Blend 10ml
頭痛複方精油 10ml
Head At Peace Essential Oil Blend 10ml
肌腱複方精油 10ml
Tenseless Muscles Essential Oil Blend 10ml
增強免疫力複方精油 10ml
Immuno Boost Essential Oil Blend 10ml
抗病毒複方精油 10ml
Antiviral Essential Oil Blend 10ml
膠原再生複方精油 5ml
Collagen Boosting Essential Oil Blend 5ml
雪肌美白複方精油 5ml
Aroma White Essential Oil Blend 5ml
驅蟲配方複方精油 10ml
Insect Repelling Essential Oil Blend 10ml
鬆弛配方複方精油 10ml
Relax Me Essential Oil Blend 10ml
能量配方複方精油 10ml
Energy Up Essential Oil Blend 10ml
甜睡配方複方精油 10ml
Sweet Dream Essential Oil Blend 10ml
舒呼配方複方精油 10ml
Breath Easy Essential Oil Blend 10ml
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