Other Raw Material

There many other ingredients can be used in the DIY process. The materials that are not summarized in the above classification can be found here.

薄荷腦 10g
Menthol 10g
檸檬酸 200g
Citric Acid 200g
食用級色素─綠色 30ml
Coloring (Food Grade) - Green 30ml
食用級色素─黃色 30ml
Coloring (Food Grade) - Yellow 30ml
食用級色素─玫紅色 30ml
Coloring (Food Grade) - Red 30ml
食用級色素─藍色 30ml
Coloring (Food Grade) - Blue 30ml
鎂鹽 150g
Magnesium Sulfate 150g
荷荷巴粒子 30g
Jojoba Beads 30g
小梳打 150g
Sodium Bicarbonate 150g
皂土 200g
Bentonite 200g
高嶺土 100g
Kaolin 100g
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