Floral Water / Hydrosol

Hydrosol is a by-product during the distillation of essential oils, as some of the plant extracts that are water-soluble become water with steam. Hydrosol contains a light aroma, and many precious ingredients that can be directly applied to the skin. It is easy to be absorbed and moisturizing.

菩提花純露 500ml
Linden Flower Hydrosol 500ml
菩提花純露 160ml
Linden Flower Hydrosol 160ml
燕麥純露 500ml
Oat Hydrosol 500ml
燕麥純露 160ml
Oat Hydrosol 160ml
金盞花純露 500ml
Calendula Hydrosol 500ml
金盞花純露 160ml
Calendula Hydrosol 160ml
白茶純露 500ml
White Tea Hydrosol 500ml
白茶純露 160ml
White Tea Hydrosol 160ml
有機橙花純露 500ml
Neroli Hydrosol (organic) 500ml
有機薰衣草純露 500ml
Lavender Hydrosol (Organic) 500ml
有機薰衣草純露 160ml
Lavender Hydrosol (Organic) 120ml
德國甘菊純露 160ml
Chamomile German Hydrosol 160ml
德國甘菊純露 500ml
Chamomile German Hydrosol 500ml
馬鞭草純露 500ml
Verbena Hydrosol 500ml
金縷梅純露 500ml
Witch Hazel Hydrosol 500ml
有機羅馬甘菊純露 500ml
Organic Chamomile Roman Hydrosol 500ml
有機保加利亞玫瑰純露 500ml
Bulgarian Rose Hydrosol (Organic) 500ml
馬鞭草純露 160ml
Verbena Hydrosol 160ml
金縷梅純露 160ml
Witch Hazel Floral Water Hydrosol 160ml
有機橙花純露 160ml
Neroli Hydrosol (Organic) 160ml
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